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On 7 October 2003 in Florence, Notary Giovanna Acquisti authenticated the foundation charter of the CLUB of FLORENCE (CoF) - International Institute for Good Corporate Governance.

CoF aims to build a bridge between academic freedom and the constraints on companies vis-à-vis their environments and all stakeholders: a bridge defined by generally accepted principles of CORPORATE GOVERNANCE. CoF, immersed as it is in surroundings filled with the history of the Medici and the culture of Tuscany, will be a basis for exchanging ideas, research and information.

"Corporate Governance is a dynamic and constantly renewing process of great social importance, exclusively determined by people who place their imagination, intelligence, and last but not least their own personal values, at the disposal of a morally acceptable way of business".
P.zza di Bellosguardo 9a 50124 Firenze, Italia - tel.+39 055 2309093 fax +39 055 2309028 - e-mail: info@cofcg.eu